HTML5 Games Workshop

Also available in fr.

Initialise Phaser


Set up the project skeleton

  1. Create a directory/folder for the game in your computer.
  2. Download the initial project skeleton and unzip its contents in the directory you just created. Make sure that the resulting structure looks like this:

     ├── audio
     ├── data
     ├── images
     ├── index.html
     └── js
  3. Launch a local web server (we have seen how to do that in the install guide) and check that you can get to the index.html file in the browser. For instance, if you have launched your web server in the port 3000, you should be able to see the contents of index.html by accessing

Initialise Phaser and the canvas

  1. HTML5 games need a <canvas> element to draw graphics. Phaser can create one automatically when we initialise the game. We need to supply the ID of the element that will wrap the canvas –in our case, it will be a <div id="game"> that we have in our index.file. We will also be providing the canvas' dimensions (960✕600).

    To do that, open js/main.js in your text editor and edit the window.onload function to initialise Phaser:

     window.onload = function () {
         let game = new Phaser.Game(960, 600, Phaser.AUTO, 'game');

    You might be wondering what is this Phaser.AUTO parameter we are passing. It's to specify whether we want a 2D canvas or a WebGL canvas. By setting it to AUTO, it will try to use a WebGL canvas –for most games it's most performant– and, when it isn't available, will fallback to use a regular 2D canvas.

  2. Refresh your browser so you can see the changes. You should be able to see a black canvas with the dimensions we specified in the initialisation.

    Empy canvas on the screen


Before you go ahead, make sure:

All done? Then let's continue! The glory of game development awaits us!


Are you stuck? Take a look at the source code for this step.